
I am excited to share some significant news with you all. Hilltop has entered the contract phase to purchase the iconic Wells Fargo building in downtown Grand Junction. The building will house most of our Family Resource Center programs, all departments at the Corporate office (People Ops, Fiscal and Marketing and Development) and IT. Combining three site into one is a vital part of our commitment to our mission: creating connection to build a community where everyone belongs.

Here’s what this means:

How we got here: The demand for our FRC services has been growing for some time and a few years back we reached our maximum service capacity. We considered various ways to expand the 99 year old FRC building, but its failing infrastructure made remodeling cost prohibitive.  We were already capping new FRC services when the Well Fargo building came on the market last year. The building can accommodate our current and future growth and is one-sixth the cost of constructing a new building.  This investment demonstrates our commitment to using Hilltop’s resources wisely and our continuing legacy as a pillar of the community.

Strategic Location: Located right on Main Street, the Wells Fargo building will provide us with a central location that is also convenient to public transportation.  The property includes nearly 100 parking spaces, and we are considering additional parking needs to ensure accessibility for everyone.

Greater visibility: Our move to the heart of downtown will help us increase awareness of our valuable services and invite us to be an impactful downtown neighbor. All of this growth and excitement will get us ramped up to celebrate our 75th anniversary in 2025.

Timeline for Transition: The contract phase will take at least 90 days. After that, we will do some cleanup and minor improvements. Assuming everything proceeds smoothly, we anticipate moving into the building in early 2025.

Future Fundraising: To ensure this new location meets our needs and those of the communities we serve, we plan to launch a capital campaign soon. This will involve raising funds to modernize the building, making it a comfortable and welcoming place to work and access services. Your support and involvement will be key to our campaign’s success. Stay tuned for more information.

Community Engagement: As we become part of the downtown community, we recognize the importance of integrating respectfully and thoughtfully. We aim to be considerate neighbors and positive contributors to the area’s development.

What’s next? We will soon issue a public press release, but you are free to discuss this information. As for our current spaces, we are considering various options, including keeping our existing Corporate office for program use and leasing out the Grand Junction Family Resource Center building.

Thank you for being an integral part of Hilltop’s journey. Your hard work and dedication make this exciting move possible. We look forward to continuing working together in ALL of our Hilltop locations to create spaces for connection where everyone belongs.

– Mike Stahl

P.S. If community members bring their questions or concerns to you, please ask them to contact Tracy Louis-Marie, our Marketing & Development Director, or a member of senior leadership.