We proudly recognize Brian Luby, a standout member whose unwavering commitment does not only embody our values but also drives our mission forward. Brian was nominated by multiple employees for the Hilltop’s Mission Award who have personally witnessed his commitment to Hilltop.

Brian has spent his eight years at Hilltop creating connections across the Community Program campus and Hilltop as a whole.

He supports the larger Hilltop community by engaging in the 401K committee and puts people first by participating in NextGen and the safety and emergency preparedness efforts. In the Community Programs community Brian brings the fun through sharing delicious food and Dad jokes!

Brian is a leader that really inspires. He participates in so many things to improve who he is as a human being and how he shows up to support others. He has pushed our mission as Hilltop to be more inclusive and was the driving factor in having our mission presented in more than one language for all to be able to understand.

This year Brian moved to a leadership position as Coordinator of 211. He quickly established trusting relationships with his team members and leads with kindness and optimism. Brian is developing his skills by eagerly accepting new projects and opportunities. He approaches community partners ready to collaborate and build positive relationships. Brian’s vision for 211 as a trusted resource in the community will lead the program to a very bright future!