April 7th – 13th is National Volunteer Week. Hilltop thanks our incredible volunteers for their support and passion.
Below are just a few of the incredible individuals that are an invaluable part of the Hilltop family.
Bert Colombin – Family Resource Center and Health Access Volunteer
“I enjoy volunteering because it keeps me active in the community doing things that are needed.”
Darienne Irvin – Workforce Center Child Care Volunteer
“I’m volunteering with Hilltop to get real world job experience while I’m still in high school.”
Jo Ann Rezen – Volunteer Services Volunteer
“Volunteering keeps me out of trouble…and keeps me connected to other people adding another dimension to living.”
Leroy Wilcox – Life Adjustment Program Volunteer
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Roxana Gaynos – Life Adjustment Program Volunteer
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Shelley Martin – Montrose Senior Daybreak Volunteer
“I love volunteering because I have a lot of fun working with the participants.”
Sherri Dixon – Family Resource Center and Health Access Volunteer
“I am meeting new people, learning new things and making new friends.”
Troy Sievers – Life Adjustment Program Volunteer
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Jessie Kelleher – English Language Acquisition (ELA) Workforce Center Volunteer
“I volunteer teaching English Language Acquisition because it feeds my soul. ELA is a very different environment from my regular job and I appreciate how different the challenges are. I love meeting so many different and inspiring students. I know that by my volunteering, I’m making a tangible difference in my students’ lives. In the 9.5 years I’ve been volunteering with ELA, I’ve met hundreds of students from all over the world. I’ve helped them learn English, reduce their accents, get drivers licenses, apply for citizenship, and generally navigate life in a country very different from their own. My students really are the ones who keep me coming back!”