
Great news for our residents and their families at the Commons and Fountains! The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has recently amended their guidelines to allow indoor visitations, group activities and communal dining, as well as allowing us to bring in crucial third-party vendors. These changes will greatly improve the quality of life for our residents and we are working to implement them as quickly as possible. However, the CDPHE has also mandated strict rules for the implementation of these changes.

Just in time for the cooler weather, indoor visitations will be allowed. Visitors will need to be scheduled in advance, screened entering the building and remain in the designated areas ensuring social distancing parameters.

Residents will also now get a chance to enjoy the newly renovated Fountains dining room as we resume communal dining at 50% occupancy.  Details are being created now, including specific eating times, table spacing and traffic flow. All residents will continue to have the option of having their meals delivered to their apartments.

In order to implement these new guidelines, the CDPHE is requiring we test all assisted living staff for COVID exposure every two weeks. This will be a labor-intensive requirement, but one we feel is crucial to giving our residents the socialization and care they need to thrive. Please reach out to your supervisors for more information.

Both staff and residents will continue to follow daily screening procedures, social distancing guidelines, and the wearing of facemasks. Residents who choose to leave our facility for visits or non-medical appointments will need to follow the current observation and testing protocols.

The state has promised increased survey visits at assisted living communities to ensure we are following these safety measures. Failure to follow guidelines, or reported cases of COVID, may result in losing our ability to offer indoor visitations and outside services. I appreciate everyone’s support as we move forward – you are key to helping keep our residents safe, healthy, and connected to their loved ones!

We’re stronger together.
