
The first day of school is usually an emotional one for many parents. It can be especially hard if your kiddo is off to a new school to have brand new experiences, or maybe has special needs that you are relying on others to see to, or there is a worldwide pandemic going on. This year any parent that is putting their child on the bus, dropping them off at the school, or waving goodbye from the front porch is asking the same question: will they stay safe and healthy?

There is also a sub set of parents that have chosen the virtual school route and the incredible challenges that come along with that. You may worry if you’ve made the right choice, or how you’ll keep your kids on track academically while juggling the needs of home and work life.

Ultimately there is no great answer to either of these issues. Nothing feels right these days and we are all moving from one decision to the next trying to do the best we can. So whether your kids are starting school today, or sticking close to home, I want to acknowledge that being a working parent in these times is hard. If you are feeling like you need a little extra support, please reach out to the Hilltop employee info line at (970) 244-0430. We have many resources available to get you through tough times. Our mission of ‘People First’ means you too.

Together we got this,
