From Her supervisor:
Nicole demonstrates an understanding and commitment to Hilltop’s Mission and values of:

Relationship- Nicole meets participants and co-workers where they are at without judgement. She has created relationships with kindness, integrity, and transparency. She builds trust with participants and is extremely knowledgeable about resources to help those in need. She can have crucial conversations with kindness and maintain strong boundaries.

Integrity- Nicole always strives to understand how to handle situations in a way that aligns not only with Hilltop’s values, but with Hilltop’s rules and regulations as well. Nicole is a role-model for integrity by owning when she doesn’t know something and then striving to do the right thing.

Courage- Nicole is courageous in her work by stepping up when help is needed. She seeks and applies feedback given. She is a leader in our community by standing up and advocating for others.

lnclusivity- Nicole always looks at situations from an EDI standpoint and speaks up for the things she believes in. She often brings a perspective that others had not thought about, and gives voice to groups who might get overlooked.

Growth- Nicole is humble in her work and is always willing to learn and grow. She shares her skills and knowledge with others. She attends required trainings and stays up to speed on what is needed to meet demands of her role.

Fun- Nicole is involved in our regional fun club committee and actively looks for ways to bring fun into our office in a way that is meaningful to everyone involved. She has a positive attitude, can laugh at herself and invites others to have fun too.

An instance that really shows these values in action is when Nicole had a participant in a mental health crisis after hours. She stayed calm, was supportive to her participant, maintained her boundaries, and she followed through on the plan they made. She did all of this while remaining kind and compassionate to her participant and communicative with her supervisor and team.

Nicole is a hard-working individual who shows up daily with a good attitude and willingness to serve others. She demonstrates and lives Hilltop’s values daily and we feel so lucky to have her as part of our Montrose FRC team!

From her Co-Worker:

Nicole demonstrates Hilltop’s values by the way she takes care of her participants as well as her coworkers. She goes above and beyond to make sure they have every last bit of resources and guidance they need and is always available to take in more participants when needed. She is an amazing person and deserves to be recognized.

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