Good afternoon Hilltoppers!

I hope this finds everyone doing well. My past several updates have focused on significant changes we have been implementing to meet the current COVID-19 situation.

Today, I want to focus on something not changing!  Hilltop focusing on our mission of People First!  Our processes and services may be changing, but our focus on community remains strong.  During these trying times, the need for our safety net programs is greater than ever.



Hilltop’s Family Resource Center – Grand Junction is launching a community Parent Support Hotline. Parents who may be juggling caring for kids and working from home can get help with avoiding stress, parenting tips, no cost ideas for keeping kids entertained, community referrals, or just hearing a friendly voice.

For individuals who have lost their health insurance and/or have no other health coverage during the COVID-19 outbreak, Hilltop’s Health Access can help! An emergency special enrollment period has been opened up for anyone whose employment or health coverage status has changed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Workforce Center’s Colorado Works program is assisting the community in navigating a new application process for Declared Emergency Funds for qualified individuals and families.

Hilltop’s Family Resource Center – Montrose along with our Delta Family Navigation Services just received a $20,000 grant from the Rocky Mountain Health Foundation to provide emergency response dollars for individuals affected by COVID-19 in Montrose and Delta communities. These dollars can be used for basic needs, educational supplies, and other emergency items.



We are gearing up to assist Hilltop employees where we can including a Hilltop Trading Post. The goal of the Trading Post is to create a place where Hilltoppers can donate extra non-perishable food/supplies they have to give or pick up food/supplies they either can’t find or need due to hardship. The Trading Post hopes to be “open for business” early next week.


I am so proud of the work Hilltop is doing internally and externally to meet the needs of our communities.  Keep up the great work!


We got this,
