
I’m sure that most of you have read or heard about the new mask guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State of Colorado.  Under this new guidance, masks and social distancing are no longer required for anyone who is fully vaccinated (this does not include schools, assisted living facilities, or any other setting where there is a local, state or federal rule requiring masks).  Masks continue to be recommended for anyone who hasn’t received the vaccine and for those who have any condition that puts them at increased risk.  In light of these new recommendations, Hilltop is moving from “Masks Required” to “Mask Friendly.”   Masks continue to be required when mandated by licensing rules (Commons, Fountains, LAP and RYS) or anytime you may have contact with a participant, resident, visitor or outside vendor.

While the guidance from the State and the CDC is specifically meant only for those who are fully vaccinated, we won’t be asking you to prove your vaccination status.  That may change in the future if the vaccine becomes required, but for now I’m asking each of you to use your best judgement, and protect your own health and that of those around you by following the appropriate guidance.

In summary:

Masks are required if you are going to have contact with a participant, resident, visitor or outside vendor. 

Masks are required when entering or exiting any Hilltop facility.

Masks are required if you work in a program where it is required by licensing. 

Masks are recommended if you have yet to be fully vaccinated or have a condition that puts you at higher risk. 

This new guidance doesn’t lessen the importance of receiving the vaccine.  The vaccine is the best way to ensure that you don’t become seriously ill or expose your family, coworkers, participants, and residents to COVID.  It is also the best way to reduce the likelihood that you will be quarantined because of an exposure to someone who has tested positive.  Please take advantage of the opportunity to get vaccinated for your health and for those around you.

Please reach out to your supervisor and/or program Director of you have any questions.

Together, we got this!

– Will