
As we head into July, we continue to see easing of restriction in Mesa County.  Below are a some of the key dates for Hilltop’s reopening timeline as we continue to cautiously open our buildings and programs:

  • June 15- The Workforce Center opened up for services by appointment only. They are continuing to provide services over the phone and through online platforms, but now clients can make in person appointments Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fridays with masks and social distancing in place.
  • June 26- We’ve just received great news concerning visitation at our residential programs including The Commons, The Fountains, and the Life Adjustment Program. Governor Jared Polis has announced easing restrictions to allow visitors in residential care facilities, which we will begin implementing tomorrow. Visitors can schedule a time to meet with residents in designated outdoor areas while wearing face masks. They will also need to be screened and have their temperatures taken. We are still working out the details, so check with your supervisors for more information, but this will mean so much to our residents and their families who have been eager to see each other in person.
  • July 1- Residential Youth Services will return to full capacity of ten youth, as opposed to the six we have been able to serve during heightened restrictions. It’s exciting to have the ability to increase census and help more youth in need.
  • July 1Senior Daybreak will resume services at a 50% capacity. This was a sorely missed service for those taking care of their loved ones full time during quarantine.
  • July 6- The Family Resource Center will reopen to the public. Staff have already begun to return to their offices with appropriate precautions in place. Health Access, B4Babies and CBI Fingerprinting will be taking in person appointments on a limited basis. Face to face supervised parenting visits have already been occurring outdoors, but will begin holding visits in-doors as well. Walk in assistance for Domestic Violence services will now be available.

As we start to open our doors, it’s important to recognize that case numbers are still rising across the country and here in Mesa County. Hilltop has been able to get to this point in our reopening process because of your diligence and focus on the basics: masks, hand washing, and social distancing. Please continue to make those basic precautions a priority so we all can continue to celebrate successes like these.

Together, we got this
