
As you are all aware, the National Guard returned to our facilities to do another round of testing last week. A total of 625 tests were conducted over a two day period. The truly amazing thing is Hilltop staff conducted 100% of the resident testing while also completing their daily duties! It really took a village to pull off this scale of testing in such a short amount of time. Thank you to everyone that had a hand in the setup, preparation, execution, and participation in the testing.

We had two positive cases, both residents, one at LAP and one at the Commons. Both presented asymptomatic, we followed all quarantine protocols, and after an additional test, the results came back with a negative COVID-19 result. The protocols we have in place and the quick and calm action of staff, made what could have been a scary time for the residents and their families, smooth and seamless as possible. I want to thank each of you for your continued diligence and efforts, it means a great deal to those we serve.

These positive cases hit very close to home. I am grateful the residents’ were asymptomatic and we were able to act quickly, but it’s a good reminder what we are up against and what we stand to lose with a possible outbreak. So many in our community rely on us for services and our organization as a moving cog in our economy. It is individual responsibility, us all working together when we are on or off the clock, to keep our community as safe and healthy as possible. Wearing a mask anytime you are outside your home is a small inconvenience to pay that will have lasting benefits for us all.  People First!

Together, we got this,
