May 13th marked the fifth time in last two years the ladies of Residential Youth Services have volunteered as ring crew members for the Western Colorado Dog Agility Trials (WCDAT).

The idea for this volunteer opportunity sparked when an RYS staff member saw it on social media and Jenipher Miller reached out to set up the first day of volunteering April of last year. The girls and staff loved the event and the WCDAT have asked them back again and again. This past Sunday, the girls of RYS worked as leash runners, pole setters, and gave other support as needed to make the event run smoothly.

Once the coordinators of the event learned more about what RYS offers youth of the valley, they gathered donations from the participants of the trials to benefit the Expedition Fund. Dog handlers and judges from all over the state have been able to learn what the Expedition Crew is and how it benefits the youth in RYS.

For those of you that aren’t aware, the Expedition Crew is a collaboration of the RYS recreation program, the RYS School, and Colorado Canyons Association. The Expedition Crew goes on educational hikes and rafting trips. In order to pay for these adventures, Hilltop has established the Expedition Fund.

Each time the girls have worked the Agility Trials, the participants collect donations and those donations go right into the Expedition Fund. It has been such a wonderful relationship that has been built and will continue to grow.