
You may have noticed the new yard signs placed around most campuses yesterday (yours are coming Montrose!). These signs are a visual reminder of what amazing work you are all doing. You are true heroes. You are a hero to every client you help, in every phone call you answer, and every time you wash your hands. These are things that may seem small in the grand scheme of things, but add them all together, and you are making a huge impact on people’s lives.

‘Hilltop Strong’ is a phrase you will be seeing more of in the coming months. It perfectly symbolizes that we are all in this together and that we are stronger as a unit than we are individually.

So while you may not wear a cape, or commute to work in an invisible jet, YOU are a true Hilltop Hero. Thank you for putting people first. I am so inspired by the commitment you all show!

Together, we got this.
