Thank you Essential Workers

This “update” is less of an update and more of a thank you. As the state has settled into the governor’s shelter in place orders, Hilltop operations have been busy as ever and that is all because of the hard work you are putting in. Being classified as an ‘essential worker’ is no easy task. You might be watching friends and family members stay home as you get dressed and get in your car to come to work. You might be working from home while juggling the stressors of kids and family needs. The challenges that this pandemic has laid at our feet have been no less than monumental.

We have reason to take pride in the work we do every day, but to be classified as essential by the state during trying times is an amazing recognition. It shines light to the enormous responsibility we have to our clients and community. Throughout social media people are sharing the resources we’ve developed like the new parent support hotline, Health Access’s services for the newly unemployed, or the Latimer House’s crisis lines for the continued fight against domestic violence. People are looking for help and they are looking toward Hilltop.

To date we have no cases of isolation for COVID-19 in our residential facilities. Staff are doing everything possible to meet our client’s needs and keep our programs running smoothly. Your efforts are paying off. Thank you all for being essential to what we do.

Together, we got this,
