
As we look to begin the process of reopening Hilltop, ‘slow and steady’ will be key words. Quick and decisive action needed to be taken in March to stop the progression of COVID-19. Now we have the ability to be proactive and more strategic as we look to the future.

What you can expect to start changing:

We are starting conversations about what opening back up will look like. We will move slowly with an emphasis on protecting our residents and employees. Each program will create a plan making the most sense for them and timeframes will be established corporately. Beginning to hold face-to-face meetings with clients, Hilltoppers returning to their offices, and residents enjoying meals with one another will all be carefully considered while maintaining safety precautions. Share your thoughts and ideas with your supervisor about what this might mean for you and your department.

What you can expect to stay the same:

Even though our changes were dictated by a national pandemic, there are some things we are finding actually work better and have the possibility of remaining. Things like having the flexibility to work from home for some and the increased use of technology for meetings have opened our eyes to improved ways of doing things. What will not go away any time soon will be maintaining smart safety precautions at both work and at home. Washing hands, not coming into work if you aren’t feeling well, wearing facemasks, and social distancing are still important to keep outbreaks at bay.

As the County looks to move into Phase 2 of their opening plan, we are hoping to take a leadership role in what that looks like. Mesa County has been fortunate to have 53 cases and 53 recoveries of COVID-19. The State is guiding a lot of what our assisted living facilities are able to do, but we hope to develop a blend of the two governing bodies’ recommendations with safety guiding all our decisions. Thank you for your continued work and ability to adapt and change once again in these strange times.

Together, we got this,
